On August 19, Girls’ Generation member Jessica uploaded a photograph of herself onto her Weibo account with the caption: “Peek-a-boo.” In the photograph, Jessica poses in a clothing display case with Coca Cola T-shirts and other apparel. In one photograph, Jessica hides behind the T-shirts with a coy smile, and, in another photograph, Jessica pouts cutely.
As an Everything Coca Cola store is located in Las Vegas, it looks like Jessica made a visit to the store while on vacation with other Girls’ Generation members in Las Vegas. Earlier in the week, fellow Girls’ Generation member Hyoyeon posted a photograph of herself beaming with her hands full of Coca Cola shopping bags. It seems that the two might have made a visit to the store together.
Jessica SNSD bermain peek-a-boo bersama Coca cola
Pada tanggal 19 agustus, member SNSD Jessica mengupload sebuah foto dirinya ke dalam akun weibonya disertai judul "Peek-a-boo." Di foto ini, Jessica berpose di dalam deretan pakaian bersama kaos-kaos dan pakaian bertuliskan coca cola. Di salah satu foto, Jessica bersembunyi dibalik kaos sambil tersenyum malu-malu, dan di foto lain, Jessica cemberut dengan cute.
selama berada di toko coca cola di Las Vegas, sepertinya Jessica melakukan kunjungan ke toko tersebut saat berlibur dengan para member lain di Las Vegas. awal minggu, diikuti oleh teman segrupnya Hyoyeon yang memposting foto dirinya berbelanja sembari memegang tas-tas belanja coca cola. Sepertinya membuktikan bahwa dua orang tersebut melakukan kunjungan ke toko bersama sama.
credit : soompi
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